4130 Chrome Moly Tube Specifications

4130, also known as Chrome Moly (aka chromoly) (so named for 2 key elements of its composition, chromium and molybdenum), is a general-purpose alloy steel that has been widely used by the aviation and motorsports industries for years. Weldability, fabrication, and mild hardenability make it a popular choice in all forms – tube, bar, sheet, and plate.
Typical Mechanical Properties
Condition N |
Tensile Strength min. |
Yield Strength min. |
Elongation min. % in 2" |
Diameter Tolerance |
Wall Thickness Tolerance |
Up to .035 incl. |
95,000 psi |
75,000 psi |
10% |
+/- .005" |
+/- 10% |
Over .035 to .188 incl. |
95,000 psi |
75,000 psi |
12% |
+/- .005" |
+/- 10% |
Over .188 |
90,000 psi |
70,000 psi |
15% |
+/- .005" |
+/- 10% |
Chemical Analysis - Percent by Weight
C |
Mn |
P |
S |
Si |
Cr |
Ni |
Mo |
Cu |
.28 to .33 |
.40 to .60 |
.025 (max) |
.025 (max) |
.15 to .35 |
.80 to 1.10 |
.25 (max) |
.15 to .25 |
.35 (max) |
A.E.D. stocks 4130 round tube from .250” to 2.50” in a variety of wall thickness.
4130 tube is produced in “random lengths” that can range between 17 to 24 feet long.
A.E.D. Stenciled 4130 Chrome Moly Tubes (SKU #'s ending with AED)
We stock over 40 sizes produced by Webco Industries, specifically for our needs, stenciled with A.E.D Metal Products. Over the years, we have adjusted the manufacturing of our tubes to offer benefits specific to its application. We require greater dimensional consistency for ease of use and fabrication, improved mechanical properties for fatigue and impact toughness and surface critical production processes to improve weldability and finished appearance.